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pilot warning indicator

См. также в других словарях:

  • stall-warning indicator — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun : a flight instrument that warns the pilot that his airplane is approaching a stall …   Useful english dictionary

  • stall warning devices/stall detectors — Devices to detect the onset of a stall and a mechanism to warn the pilot. A stall detector may either be a spring loaded vane located in the leading edge or it may obtain a signal from an angle of attack indicator. The warning can be given in the …   Aviation dictionary

  • PWI — 1. Pilot Warning Indicator (Related to CAS Collision Avoidance System) Contributor: CASI 2. Proximity Warning Instrument Contributor: CASI …   NASA Acronyms

  • CAS/PWI — Collision Avoidance System/Pilot Warning Indicator Contributor: CASI …   NASA Acronyms

  • PWI — aeronaut. abbr. Pilot Warning Indicator …   United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

  • Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt/L–R — Dies ist der vierte Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B; C; D Teil 3 E–K …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stall (flight) — For other uses, see stall. In fluid dynamics, a stall is a reduction in the lift coefficient generated by a foil as angle of attack increases. This occurs when the critical angle of attack of the foil is exceeded. The critical angle of attack is… …   Wikipedia

  • Emergency vehicle lighting — refers to any of several visual warning devices, which may be known as light bars or beacons, fitted to a vehicle and used when the driver wishes to convey to other road users the urgency of their journey, to provide additional warning of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Apollo Command/Service Module — Apollo CSM The Apollo 15 CSM in lunar orbit Description Role: Earth and Lunar Orbit Crew: 3; CDR, CM pilot, LM pilot Dimensions Height: 36.2 ft 11.03 m …   Wikipedia

  • Ice detector — An ice detector is an optical transducer probe available for aviation purposes. It has no moving parts, is completely solid and its principle of operation is entirely optical. Intrusive to the airstream and hermetically sealed, it uses un… …   Wikipedia

  • F-117 Nighthawk — infobox Aircraft name=F 117 Nighthawk type=Stealth attack aircraft [http://www.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?fsID=104 F 117A Nighthawk fact sheet] , USAF, October 2007. Retrieved 19 March 2008.] national origin = United States… …   Wikipedia

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